Scholarship Common Application Form

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  • 12 Characters
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Maximum of 1 characters.
Address of Primary Residence
If you cannot find your address, please type out only your zip code in the 'Street Address' field below. Please confirm the correct city and state populate.

Please note that we will ask for your official mailing address once tentatively awarded.
Please spell out the entire name of the county, do not include county in the name. For example, Los Angeles, NOT LA or Los Angeles County.
Please provide best number to reach you at.
Asian Ethnicity

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Enter your High School info if you cannot find it above

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Enter your College/University info if you cannot find it above
Enter your College/University info if you cannot find it above

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List the 3 most significant leadership activities you have participated in, starting from the 9th grade ONLY and not before that (e.g. school clubs/organizations, student government, varsity or club sports, and religious or community groups). Describe your roles and responsibilities. Please do not use acronyms.
Maximum of 150 words.
Maximum of 150 words.
Maximum of 150 words.

Please provide the first and last name, email, and phone number of one advisor from any of the leadership activities mentioned above. 

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List the 3 most significant community service activities you have participated in, starting from the 9th grade ONLY and not before that (e.g. food banks, homeless shelters, city events, club-organized community service). Describe your roles and responsibilities. Please do not use acronyms. 
Maximum of 150 words.
Maximum of 150 words.
Maximum of 150 words.

Please provide the first and last name, email, and phone number of one advisor from any of the leadership activities mentioned above. 

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List your most recent work experience since the 9th grade ONLY (e.g. tutor, office worker, sales representative, cashier, etc.)

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If awarded the scholarship, candidates are required to submit either a 2023 or 2024 tax return.
Please upload a screenshot of the FAFSA confirmation page, confirmation email or FAFSA SAR (Student Aid Report) below, if possible.

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This data is for informational purposes only and will not be used as criteria during the selection process. 

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Based on your responses, you may be eligible for the following scholarship(s):

  1. For each scholarship you wish to apply for, you must complete ALL essay prompts associated with that scholarship. If you do not want to apply for a particular scholarship, write "N/A" or "Not Applying" for each of its essay prompts. Only scholarships with fully completed responses will be considered for review. Scholarships with any incomplete responses or marked as "N/A" will not be evaluated.
  2. All applications need at least ONE 'Recommender Form' to be filled, except for:

    • Matt Fong AAPF Scholarship - 2 Recommender Forms required

IX. Essays

Eligible for Matt Fong Scholarship
In order to qualify for the Matt Fong Asian Americans In Public Finance Scholarship, your ethnic heritage must be at least 50% Asian.
Max 500 words.
Max 300 words.
Max 500 words.
Max 250 words.
Eligible For One or More of the Following Scholarships: Bank of the Sierra, Best Formulations, Cathay Bank, State Bank of India, Mega Bank, New Omni Bank, Preferred Bank, First General Bank, Royal Business Bank Scholarships, Open Bank, and the Scott & Christina Yang Foundation
Max 500 words.
Max 500 words.
Eligible for Best Formulations Scholarship
Max 500 words.
Eligible for Dragon Hearts Foundation Scholarship
Max 500 words.
Max 500 words.
Max 500 words.
Eligible for Chao Family Foundation Scholarship
Max 300 words.
Max 300 words.
Max 300 words.
Eligible for Taiwanese American Scholarship Fund (TASF)
Max 500 words.
Max 500 words.
Max 500 words.
Wei Chee Scholarship Foundation
Max 500 words.
Max 500 words.
Mitzi Lee Scholarship Fund
Max 500 words.
Max 500 words.
Eligible for Kao Kalia Yang Scholarship (KKY)
Max 300 words.
Max 300 words.
Max 300 words.

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You must submit a copy of your most recent high school transcript (or most recent college transcript, if applicable) that includes the first quarter/semester of your freshman year through the first quarter/semester of your senior year with your application. Minimum unweighted cumulative GPA is 2.5. GPA requirement will vary by scholarship program.

You can upload a copy electronically. Electronic files must be uploaded as a PDF. File names should be formatted as follows: " [First Name] [Last Name] Transcript.pdf"

For example, a PDF file of Anna Lee's transcript should be named: "Anna Lee Transcript.pdf"
APCF only accepts PDF files for the transcript.

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I certify that to the best of my knowledge, information on this application is complete and accurate. I understand that any falsification of any information may cause my disqualification from the scholarship selection or revocation if a scholarship has been granted, at the Asian Pacific Community Fund’s sole discretion. I understand it is my responsibility to make sure this application is complete and submitted by the deadline listed on the application. Furthermore, I understand that if my application is not complete, or if I or any Recommender does not submit my application by the deadline, I may be disqualified from the scholarship competition and may not be considered for a scholarship. This application, upon receipt, becomes the property of the Asian Pacific Community Fund, and I understand and agree that the Asian Pacific Community Fund may use for any purpose and disclose in any medium determined by the Asian Pacific Community Fund in its sole discretion any of the information contained in this application. I hereby give my consent to the Asian Pacific Community Fund to disclose information on my application (including personally identifiable information) to the sponsor of the scholarships and to contact me at any time regarding the scholarship.

To comply with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, I hereby give permission for school officials to release my secondary school record and other requested information, if necessary.
Typing your name in the box constitutes your signature.
After submitting, you will be emailed a confirmation email. Within this email, please expect the link to the 'Recommender Form' and specific instructions regarding it.

Recommender Form link: